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Who We Are

Our Promise

We promise to deliver our services ethically and sustainably beyond our obligation as a small minority business we strive to create prolific partnerships between firms and diverse communities.


Our Mission is to examine and redevelop the working relationship between firms and talent creating a partnership that better serves our communities in a socially responsible way.

Benefits of Engagement


We love what we do this is why we offer high quality, fully vetted talent, strategic planning, seamless implementation on every project along with customer support you can count on. 


Prideful & Inclusive Consulting believes in making the seamless transaction. This means an effortless customer on-boarding process, clear and concise communication of needs and objectives, involved, and personal interaction. 



Prideful & Inclusive Consulting values our customer relationships, so we focus on what matters to them.  This means regular evaluations of our service offerings, timely planning, project collaboration, and combined philanthropic efforts.  We take an interest in what matters to you because it matters to us!

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